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Collapse of The Azure Window, Gozo

The Azure Window has collapsed and it is not just the top part which has fallen off - even the stacks have gone. Roger Chessell, a Xaghra resident, was at Dwejra when the window collapsed at about 09.40am, having gone to take pictures of the storm. 

"There was a big raging sea beneath the window," he told the Times of Malta.

"Suddenly, the arch collapsed into the sea with a loud whoomph, throwing up a huge spray. By the time the spray had faded the stack was gone too."

In a press conference, Environment Minister Jose Herrera said several studies had shown that no man-made intervention could have prevented the collapse. 

Gozo Minister Anton Refalo likened the event to "losing a part of yourself" but was keen to stress that Gozo had much more to offer apart from the Azure window. 

Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis described the window as a marketing asset which was now lost, but expressed confidence that Gozitan Tourism would weather the blow.

From The Times of Malta, 8th March 2017

The 'Azure Window' now and then. Photo above: Roger Chessnell, below: file photoThe 'Azure Window' now and then. Photo above: Roger Chessnell, below: file photo

